Hi, I’m Jessikah.


I’m so thrilled to be able to share my talent for painting with you! All of the work you see on the site is my own.

I’m a self-taught portrait artist. I have been drawing faces since I was a child and in the last decade, I began to focus exclusively on painting portraits.

What I love is to bring a person to life on the canvas and you can see this transformation in my Flipbook. It’s even more special when the piece includes a loved one.



Photobooth (2014)

I have painted my own tributes to family members who have passed away; beloved pets; children and elderly people; as well as friends and well known public figures.

My paintings are done in acrylic on canvas. To create a piece, I use several photographs for inspiration and to get a feel for my subject.

I don’t simply copy a photograph: I interpret a person. I like to create nostalgia pieces in black and white, but also love to do contemporary work in bright colours.

Become Art

Painting wall

There is something so special about becoming a work of art.

In a generation of ‘selfies’, a painting is something that stands alone as a precious memento. And it doesn’t have to be prohibitively expensive to own your own piece.

Please subscribe for more updates, including my video “Talking Portfolio” series. Thanks for reading!

Category : Art