Talking Portfolio: Episode Three

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Behind the Painting: Pregnancy

Expectations (2014)

Expectations is a painting of my friend, Kylee, when she was pregnant with identical twin boys. In my Flipbook, you can see her transformation from photograph to work of art.

It was her third pregnancy but her first experience with twins.
She had number of complications during the pregnancy.

She needed emergency surgery as the twins developed Twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome (TTTS). This is a rare condition that occurs only in identical twins while they are in the womb.

She also needed further procedures to remove a build up of amniotic fluid and was subsequently put on bed rest for the remainder of her pregnancy.

Kylee had a support network of friends and family, as well as help from the Multiple Births Association during this difficult time.
There was a chance she could go into labour early, which would have put the lives of her twins at further risk.

Behind the Painting: Expectations

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Kylee had a hard time remaining on bed rest, especially as she had to care for her other children, including a toddler. However, she needed to consider the needs of her unborn children.

In the painting, Kylee looks down at the enormous curve of her belly with an air of expectation.

She is a picture of femininity but also one of strength, as she copes with the reality of her situation and awaits the birth of her twins.

Behind the Painting: Birth

Kylee delivered the boys naturally. Finley John was born weighing 1.5 kg (3.3 lbs), followed by Jackson Chance at 1.8kg (3.9 lbs). His middle name was chosen as there was a chance he wouldn’t make it.

The twins were born prematurely and spent time in a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). It took some time before they caught up on their developmental milestones, but they eventually did.

Finley and Jackson are now happy, healthy little boys and the journey of their birth is documented in Expectations, which is beautiful painting to be appreciated for years to come.
