Charles Niesten was my grandmother’s second husband, and step-father to my dad. He was instrumental in helping them survive the war during the Nazi Occupation of The Netherlands.

My grandmother, Betty, and Charles married after the war in late 1947. In 1951, they moved with my father across the world to Perth, Western Australia to start a new life.

Unfortunately, I never knew my paternal grandfather, Jacques Fresco (1909-1968). Yet, I also never had the chance to get to know Charles, because he passed away just after my first birthday.


During the Second World War, Charles assisted the Allies. He was honoured for his services, by a number of dignitaries including General de Gaulle and General Eisenhower.

He was post-humously honoured by Yad Vashem as one of the Righteous Among the Nations.

I decided to paint Charles (2017) as a tribute piece and early birthday present for my father, who had been close to his step-father.

My painting is based on a photograph of “Charlie” taken by my grandfather, Miles, in his photographic studio in the 1970’s.

This picture was framed and displayed by my grandmother in the years after Charles’ death.


CharlesMy grandfather had coloured his black and white photograph by hand. I decided to embellish this palette when I painted Charles (2017). I particularly liked the way he had paid special attention to colouring the fabric on the shirt.

Painting this piece was a way for me to connect with such an important figure in my family history.

Charles had been honoured with certificates and medals, but never a painting showing him for the kind, humorous and brave man that he was.

In Charles (2017), I wanted to capture both his character and charm, as well as his old world sensibility. The result is a work of art that pays tribute to Charles and preserves his memory for generations come.

Category : Art