TokyoI began painting Tokyo (2014-2017) when I moved to one of the most densely populated cities in the word. It was a challenging experience, yet it was also a great inspiration for my art.

Although Tokyo is a very modern city, it was my exposure to the traditions of the Japanese culture that I found most interesting. The original painting is based on a day I spent in Asakusa exploring the Sensō-ji temple. I wore a traditional kimono and wooden shoes, which was a unique experience.

It was difficult to find the space to paint in Tokyo. I began by painting on the floor, because my apartment was too small for a regular easel. Eventually, I purchased a table easel, which I used on a coffee table. My studio was effectively also my dining space and sofa.

Self-portrait series

TokyoUnder these conditions, I completed Boy in Blue (2014), which was a much larger piece. Yet I never felt that my self-portrait, Tokyo (2014-2017) was truly finished. There were flaws in the jaw line and the teeth were not defined enough.

I revisited my self-portraits in Tel Aviv (2008-2017) and Paris (2012-2017), in order to correct how I really was as those times. One of the features of all these self-portraits, including Tokyo (2014-2017), was that I was always looking away. At that time, I was not confident as an artist and I wanted to correct this element.

The finished result is more similar to the original work than in the other self-portraits in this series. Yet, it feels more like me and really captures the fun I had exploring the Japanese culture.

This concludes my self-portrait series, which I began to celebrate my birthday in June. Looking back at the paintings I created all over the world has been very positive. Not only that, I now have three new paintings to show how I have developed both as an artist and as a person.


Category : Art